Discovery Call

My Story

My journey started with pain

For as long as I can remember, I lived in pain

I was born as a refugee surrounded by so much uncertainty and suffering

Suffering was all I knew

Until I couldn't live in pain anymore

I decided to end my life
I thought I wanted to end my life
when all I wanted was to end the pain

More about me

After getting so close to death,
I realised that there was more to life than just suffering
I realised that all I really wanted was healing

I realised that the only way to heal
was to connect to the pure unconditional love within me

I connected to the loving and healing energy within me
I found my way home by unlocking this energy within me
I found the stillness within me

This stillness is within you too
and today I feel called to hold space for you as you find your way back home to yourself

Generation Inspired 2 


A documentary for students, 
parents & teachers

After the success of our first documentary,
Ambisie and Project Gen Z  are excited to launch 'Generation Inspired Part 2'.

The film follows the journey of three inspirational young people that have overcome huge obstacles to prove that anything is possible.

"An uplifting piece that inspires and warms the heart. A must watch for young adults exploring their passion and place in the world."

-Sheryl Thai, Founder League of Extraordinary Women

Web Development by Melbourne Web Studio
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